Thursday, July 3, 2008



Pros: Pencil is probably one of the best beginner 2D Animation programs out there. It has a very simple layout, enabling even children to get the hang of it. It can produce both bitmap and vector graphics, enabling you to chose which kind you want to work with. Also, it exports .SWF files. It's freeware, which is kind of suspicious at first but it actually isn't that bad. If you would like to learn the feeling of using animation programs, I suggest you try this out first before Flash.
Cons: Even though you have an audio layer, when you export or preview it, it does not make sound. Also, if the paths aren't entirely correct, it'll be hard to fill in color because you'll get a pop-up message saying it's out of boundary. If you want to rearrange layers you can't, and if you'd like to use a layer for say, a background, you're going to have to make a new layer and then copy and paste the background. Sorry folks, no copying frames allowed.

All in all, it's great to use if you've either never used any animation programs before or if you're in Elementary School.

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